Who Beat the British?

Who beat the British at Fort Sullivan? According to Major Barnard Elliott of the South Carolina artillery, it wasn’t really the Americans:

The expression of a Sergeant McDaniel, after a cannon ball had taken off his shoulder and scouped out his stomach, is worth recording in the annals of America: ‘Fight on, my brave boys; don’t let liberty expire with me to-day!’ … Now, my dear wife, let us not forget to whom we are indebted for this success against our enemy. Let us return God thanks for it. It is He that does all for us — He inspires our officers and men with courage, and shields their heads in the day of battle — He is the wonderful God of victory.

It pays to remember that we’re not alone. There are so many things beyond our control that to take credit for our victories is rather arrogant.

Whether or not you believe in God, and whether or not you believe that God (or Providence, as they often said at the time) had a hand in the outcome of the American Revolution, I suggest that you think twice before taking full credit for anything that you’ve ever achieved in your life. A healthy dose of humility is good for everyone.

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