July 27, 1775

Passengers Disarmed when Arriving in New York

According to one source, passengers arriving in New York had their weapons taken away after they landed. The British still had more control in New York than in many places, and maybe they didn’t want to increase the number of people who could fight against them. Dr. Ezra Stiles, who lived in Newport, Rhode Island, recorded in his diary:

On July 27, the Ship Monimia arrived at N York from Glasgow with 230 Passengers; & the same day arrived there the Brig Neptune from Glasgow with 87 Passengers. Many of them were deprived of their Arms after they embarked, by Order of Government.


I’m not sure what Dr. Stiles’ source was, and I haven’t yet found another account of this event, so it might not be accurate.


Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, vol. 1, p. 599.