The war begins…

The war begins at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. Americans still talk about loyalty to King George III but resistance to the oppressions of the British Parliament. The colonists besiege the British army in Boston, form a united Continental Army, and invade Canada. Britain prepares to send many more troops and warships to stop the rebellion. The Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. As the year wears on, more and more people start to think and talk of independence…

April: Lexington, Concord, the Siege of Boston…

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May: Fort Ticonderoga, the Second Continental Congress…

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June: The Continental Army, the Battle of Bunker Hill…

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July: Petitions, Declarations, Addresses…

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  • 1
  • 2 – St. John’s (Finally) Surrenders to the Americans
  • 3
  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7 – Royal Governor Lord Dunmore Proclaims Martial Law in Virginia
  • 8
  • 9 – Benedict Arnold Reaches the St. Lawrence River
  • 10 – Birth of the Marine Corps
  • 11
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