Life, Fortune, Honor

What are you willing to give for your liberty? How much is it worth to you?

It’s easy enough to say you’d be willing to give your all, but how much are you giving now? And how much are you holding back, showing that you’re not willing to give it? That might be a good indicator of where your heart really lies.

A year before the Continental Congress declared independence, they published a declaration to justify why they were taking up arms against the British. Their choice to fight was not an easy one, but, they said, “We have counted the cost”. The closing words of the Declaration of Independence make clear what that cost would be: “And for the support of this Declaration,” they said, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

That was what they said they were willing to give — and some of them did indeed give it, showing that their words were not empty.

What about you? Would you sign?